Think of possibilities, not limitations.

        Have you ever wondered why the ones who you thought would have a great future or would definitely turn out to be successful in life, would in the end become nothing less than a common man? Have you ever wondered as to why the extraordinary in someone whom you thought of becomes less than ordinary? Moreover, have you ever thought that that 'someone' is you?

        I am of the belief that every life form in the earth is extraordinary, humans being the cleverest of them of all and the laziest too. Unlike humans, every other animal knows about its real potential and uses all of the skills which it possesses. Since they aren't lazy, they make use of their skills for their benefit.

        We humans are a great creation of God, and unlike many animals, we are clever. We can think through things for ourselves. God has gifted us extraordinary skills that could transform the world itself. But what's the result? Only one among ten use their skills to their benefit. What about others? They get stuck in their own limitations. Little do they realize, these limitations were created by they themselves.

        We often limit ourselves and be confined. Even if we have that urge to rise high, the thought of our circumstances always drags us down. This is what that happens to most of us. One might have an idea that could bring about a revolution but he refrains from building it because he might be lazy to work or the circumstances wouldn't allow him and thus he drops the idea.

        Think about all the ideas that were dropped because of limitations. Remember that imagination has no limitation. Added to that, one can think of the possibilities within these limitations. The possibilities might be few but it is worth the effort if one could at least give it a try, rather than not doing anything at all. If failed, it becomes an experience, and if successful, It becomes an appreciation to do more.

        So Change, as they say, begins from ourselves. Unless we can turn the ordinary in ourselves to the extraordinary, life would still be in black and white.


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