Today? No, tomorrow. Or maybe, the day after that.

        When It comes to making decisions or starting off something in life, we often postpone it so much so that we end up dumping it all up.We humans have a sincere affection towards Newton's first law of motion, with a slight difference. When we are in  rest, we continue to be in rest, and when we are active, we try to finish the activity so that we may be in rest again!

        Lousiness has affected much of the young people today that they feel reluctant to everything that requires a change in their state. They are more happy with their company, being comfortable with their own phone, creating an online world of their own. Its becoming common that we cannot see teenagers engaging in conversations or playing around or engaging in activities like they did two or three years ago. Mobile phones have caused such a change that teens nowadays don't even come out of their homes, and even worse, their very own rooms. They've come to deny the fact that there is a space outside this online world.

        Short lived motivations are another trend. However long the speaker's motivational talk may be, however touching the motivational video on the Internet be, teens get inspired, only to retract back to their previous tracks, within a short period of time. It is this attitude that must be dealt at first.People often make decisions after being inspired by someone or something or even by self motivation, and resolve to start working for a change from then. Its within minutes that the thought of postponing it comes to mind, and there, at that very instant, everything is lost.

        This prolonging mentality of teens have a common cause too. Teens nowadays have not felt the hardships in life. Most of their parents have brought them up, giving them what they need, even before they ask, and almost anything they need. This has created a comfortable, or luxurious atmosphere for them to live in that they are less bothered about the hardships in life that their elder generations have faced. If they have lived in such circumstances, they'd have then made decisions at the right time, followed it, and engaged in activities to keep them going.

        There won't be a perfect day. There won't be a perfect start either. So waiting for them would be like waiting for the sea to be calm and then to start off the journey. It's the start that counts - and however early that it is made - that makes a difference. Fear of failing is always bitter than failure. An attempt has more honour in itself than postponed start.

        Its only when we start doing that we realise, whether it was worth the effort or not. So better start doing today, for there would neither be a perfect tomorrow for a perfect start nor a calm sea to set out your journey.


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