The Special Ones.

Note: This post was written back in May 15, 2019, and for some weird reason I couldn't post it 😅

I'm in a train heading home. Monsoon's making random appearances along the way. It's always good to travel at night. You wouldn't feel the distance, and the passing of time :)

You know, however hard it may seem to agree, but at some point in life (or throughout your life) you’ll have one person of opposite gender whom you feel like opening to. You may or may not know well each other, but still having him/her around you brings the best in you and makes you active. I’m not at all talking about lovers – even lovers will get exhausted of things to talk about, eventually. I’m talking about friends, the special ones in general.

I’m pretty sure that each of us have that one best friend to whom you are completely open to and are eager to speak whenever you get time. That’s the thing with best friends. You never run short of things to talk about, and find random shit to do and be happy with. You know you can always count on him/her whenever the time comes. You will also do the same for them too.

Hold on to whom all you’ve got as best friends. They’re the ones who bring the best in you. Try to always be in that positive vibe circle. It’s helping me a lot, and I’m sure it’ll do the same for you.


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